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Live Remote Online
Art Classes and Workshops Held via Zoom
Summer and Fall, 2022

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172XA Children’s Books: Science and Art
Saturdays, July 9 to 30, 10 am to 12 noon
Instructor: Linda Miller
$160, 4 weeks, 8 hours
We will explore some of the wonderful new books out there and have the opportunity to have a dialogue with some of the authors and illustrators. We will also learn about the process of creating children’s books by journaling and creating storyboards for our own books!
174X 3D Sculpting in Sculpey
Mondays, July 11 to 25, 5 to 7 pm
Instructor: Jeff Domm
$120, 3 weeks, 6 hours
Museum exhibits often require models for display. Students will explore the process to create 3D models of a nature related objects using SUPER SCULPEY, a polymer clay, which is a professional level material that allows for highly detailed model making. Students learn product details, modeling, creating texture, baking, painting and displaying museum models.
103XA Field Sketching and Nature Journaling
Thursdays, July 14 to August 18, 10 am to 12 noon
Instructor: Linda Miller
$160, 6 weeks, 12 hours
Learn the basics of observational drawing starting with simple objects so that you can sketch what you find outdoors as well as indoors. Students will be encouraged to carry their sketchbooks and journals wherever they go; and there will be a balance between presentations by the instructor with actual practice followed by group critiques. Guest naturalists will join some of our critiques so that they can help us identify what we discover in the different seasons. Learn to slow down and observe more deeply as you connect and open up to the ineffable in natural objects through the making of art.
107XA Noticing: Poetry and Nature Journaling
Mondays, August 1-22, 10 am to 12 noon
Instructor: Linda Miller
$160, 4 weeks, 8 hours
We will read and discuss writings with the theme of nature, and we will explore and discover possibilities for creating our own haiku and other simple forms of poetry. We will then see how these words can inspire us when we are enjoying observational drawing, and we will try illustrating our own poems.
204X Drawing and Painting Birds in Watercolor
Fridays, August 12 to September 16, 2-5 pm
Instructor Dorie Petrochko
$360, 6 weeks, 18 hours
Prerequisite: Watercolor I, 244
This course will introduce students to the fascinating world of drawing and painting birds. To better understand how birds behave, a basic foundation of avian anatomy will be introduced, using taxidermy mounts and skins from the Yale Peabody Museum’s vertebrate zoology collection. We will learn how to observe the structure, behavior, and coloration of various bird species by field sketching and painting birds from live video cams. Hands-on demonstrations will be included, as well as individual guided instruction and critiques.
201X Drawing II
Thursdays, September 1 to October 20, 9 am to 12 noon
Instructor, Susannah Graedel
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
Stunning artistry with a pencil! Create silvery tonal portraits of natural science subjects and free yourself from an artificial light source. Like artists since Renaissance times, students will learn to intuitively portray their subjects with light coming from the upper left. Through toning in this way, students will bring their subjects to three-dimensional life in intricate detail.
101XA Drawing I
Tuesdays, September 6 to November 1, 5-8 pm (No class October 4)
Instructor: Betsy Barry
101XB Drawing I
New Day and Time! Saturdays, November 12 - January 21. 10 AM - 1 PM (No Class November 26 or December 24)
Instructor: Jan Prentice$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
Drawing I is the foundation course for all sequential courses taken at the Yale Peabody Museum. It is here that the necessary techniques in rendering light on form, value, texture, perspective, proportion, and composition are taught. Each student will be given individual assignments and critiques, along with a final project, which is due at the culmination of the course.
103XB Field Sketching and Nature Journaling
Fridays, September 9 to October 14, 10 am to 12 noon
Instructor: Linda Miller
$240, 6 weeks, 12 hours
Learn the basics of observational drawing starting with simple objects so that you can sketch what you find outdoors as well as indoors. Students will be encouraged to carry their sketchbooks and journals wherever they go, and there will be a balance between presentations by the instructor with actual practice followed by group critiques. Guest naturalists will join some of our critiques so that they can help us identify what we discover. Learn to slow down and observe more deeply as you connect and open up to the ineffable in natural objects through the making of art.
241X Colored Pencil I
Saturdays, September 10 to November 5, 9 am to 12 noon (no class October 29)
Instructor: Jan Prentice
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
Begin your exploration of color with this approachable medium. In our first few meetings students learn and practice key color concepts: primary and secondary color, local color, color temperature, hue, chroma and value. Armed with this information, students will then learn techniques needed to create beautiful, detailed drawings on a variety of drawing surfaces.
177XA Digital Techniques Workshop: Want to Build a Website? Start Here!
Thursdays, September 15 and 22, 1-3 pm
Instructor: Ikumi Kayama
$80, 2 days, 4 hours
Are you considering creating an online portfolio or a website? This course is for those who have yet to have their own online space or are looking to reboot their outdated website. Since everyone's needs and goals will be different, this course will guide the students one step at a time to narrow down what type of website service/platform would match their needs while considering comfort levels in the digital space.
244X Watercolor I
Tuesdays, September 20 to November 15, 1-4 pm (No class October 4)
Instructor: Kim Burris
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
Learn the basic techniques of watercolor painting including color theory, color mixing, washes, layering, dry versus wet, and achieving fine detail necessary for natural science subjects. Students will learn how to plan a painting and develop it carefully to capture the beauty of the medium.
216X Composition and Design
Fridays, September 23 to November 11, 2 – 5 pm
Instructor: Dorie Petrochko
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
Prerequisites: Drawing II, Watercolor I or Colored Pencil I
Learning the elements of composition and design is essential for completing successful paintings and illustrations. Exploring Notan composition, spatial relationships, the golden mean, balance, and structure, we will create dynamic studies that will serve as templates for final watercolor, colored pencil, and mixed media compositions.
267XA Digital Topics: Introduction to Adobe Photoshop for Natural Science Illustrators
Sundays, October 2 to November 20, 9 am to 12 noon
Instructor: Ikumi Kayama
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
In this virtual 8-week course, students will take their completed illustrations in a traditional medium and manipulate them for publication in Adobe Photoshop. The famously complicated and ever-changing Photoshop palettes and tools will be discussed and the tools most often used by professional scientific illustrators will be covered. After taking this workshop, the students should have a working knowledge and a basic understanding of Adobe Photoshop.
261X Vertebrate Anatomy
Sundays, October 2 to November 20, 2 to 5 pm
Instructors: Armand Morgan and Dorie Petrochko
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
In this class, students will observe and sketch specimens from the vertebrate zoology collection at the Yale Peabody Museum’s West Campus and from 3D webcams online. Areas of focus will be: research and hands-on study of the anatomy and musculature of the cat, the horse, and an in-depth final study of a vertebrate of choice representing its skeletal and musculature development.
107XB Noticing: Poetry and Nature Journaling
Mondays, October 3 to October 31, 12:30 to 2:30 pm (No class October 10)
Instructor: Linda Miller
$160, 4 weeks, 8 hours
We will read and discuss writings with the theme of nature, and we will explore and discover possibilities for creating our own haiku and other simple forms of poetry. We will then see how these words can inspire us when we are enjoying observational drawing, and we will try illustrating our own poems.
148X Illustrating Insects in Colored Pencil
Thursdays, October 6 to November 10, 1-4 pm
Instructor: Kim Burris
$360, 6 weeks, 18 hours
Explore the intricate and varied beauty of insects. Students will learn basic insect anatomy and colored pencil techniques to create detailed drawings. Students will focus on three insect orders: Coleoptera (beetles), Hymenoptera (bees and wasps) and Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). Photo references will be provided by the instructor. Drawing experience recommended or permission of the instructor.
103XC Field Sketching and Nature Journaling
Fridays, October 21 to December 9, 10 am to 12 noon (No class November 11)
Instructor: Linda Miller
$240, 6 weeks, 12 hours
Learn the basics of observational drawing starting with simple objects so that you can sketch what you find outdoors as well as indoors. Students will be encouraged to carry their sketchbooks and journals wherever they go, and there will be a balance between presentations by the instructor with actual practice followed by group critiques. Guest naturalists will join some of our critiques so that they can help us identify what we discover. Learn to slow down and observe more deeply as you connect and open up to the ineffable in natural objects through the making of art.
205X Pen and Ink
Thursdays, October 27 to January 5, 9 am to 12 noon (No class November 24 and December 22)
Instructor: Susannah Graedel
$480, 8 weeks, 24 hours
Prerequisite: Drawing II: Advanced Graphite: Light on Form.
The beauty and clarity of natural science drawings in ink have been admired for centuries. Students will master the techniques of traditional scientific illustration using both crow quill and technical pens to depict the natural world in stipple and line.
177XB Digital Techniques Workshop: Want to Build a Website? Start Here!
Thursdays, November 3 and 10, 4 to 6 pm
Instructor: Ikumi Kayama
$80, 2 days, 4 hours
Are you considering creating an online portfolio or a website? This course is for those who have yet to have their own online space or are looking to reboot their outdated website. Since everyone's needs and goals will be different, this course will guide the students one step at a time to narrow down what type of website service/platform would match their needs while considering comfort levels in the digital space.
168 Birds’ Nests in Ink (This course will be taught in a Yale classroom, in-person only)
Fridays, November 4 to 18, 1 to 4 pm
Instructor: Jeanette Compton
$180, 3 weeks, 9 hours
The shadows and intricacies of birds’ nests lend themselves beautifully to the medium of pen and ink. This workshop will explore the process of drawing a nest from life using a fine liner pen.
128X Watercolor Workshop for Beginners
Mondays, November 7 to November 28, 12:30 to 2:30 pm
Instructor: Linda Miller
$160, 4 weeks, 8 hours
Get a taste of what is involved when you paint with watercolor. The traditional approach to transparent watercolor painting will be taught, with the focus on limited palettes, mixing, layering, and glazing to create luminous, beautiful colors in this special medium.
172X Children’s Books: Science and Art
Saturdays, November 5 to December 3, 10 am to 12 noon (No class November 26)
Instructor: Linda Miller
$160, 4 weeks, 8 hours
We will explore some of the wonderful new books out there and have the opportunity to have a dialogue with some of the authors and illustrators. We will also learn about the process of creating children’s books by journaling and creating storyboards for our own books!