About Us
Natural Science Illustration Program
At The Yale Peabody Museum
The Natural Science Illustration Program offers distinctively developed nature-based art classes. Our art classes focus on your interest in nature: drawing and painting flowers, birds, insects, plants and related subject matter. Classes are taught at the Yale Peabody Museum
Art Class Instructors
Our instructors are professional artists with years of experience rendering subjects from the natural world in many types of media. Click on the name below of an instructor to learn more about her.

Founders (left to right) Linda Miller, Susannah Graedel, Dorie Petrochko, and Jan Prentice
Our Mission
The Natural Science Illustration Program was developed to offer opportunities to create an overall experience in art instruction. What a wonderful feeling it is to see your finished work through which you will have expanded your abilities and discovered new ways of encountering art. As art instructors it is in this student realization that we find our greatest joy!
This uncommon result is achieved through a combination of skilled instructors, a range of art techniques, personalized support, and of course the uniqueness of a classroom setting located in the Yale Peabody Museum. What’s more, our students exhibit their art in the museum’s dinosaur room. Holistically this makes for a truly distinctive and memorable experience.